I worry about the Poo and her ability to understand all that has been going on over the last several months. She is so young but she is very smart and takes things in so personally and deeply. I know it will be good for her to get back to our normal routine. I t may be good for all of us.
Also during this time, my best friend will be moving a long way away. I know it will be a good change for her and her family but it sure will leave a big hole in our family. They will be dearly missed and in our prayers. I hope everything is as good as they want it to be and better than they thought it would be.
The Poo is growing like a weed. She will be 4 next month and i think she is going to be disappointed on her birthday. This year her grandmother will not be there to celebrate and she will not have her Amy or Marshall. It has also been a while since she has seen or heard from her Uncle so I do not know if he will be attending or not. I hope she will be happy with just us and her Tuzzy family.

I guess maybe I am just not feeling celebratory right now. Hopefully this will get better as it gets closer to her birthday. I love you all and hope all is well in your lives. Tell your friends and family how you feel. Don't wait.