It has been an interesting week for me. I have been doing a lot more research on my Lyme Disease to see if there was anything else that I could possibly try to improve my situation. I just did not want to believe that this is the best I could ever feel. I found many things both nutritional and medical that I thought might help. So, I got all my info together and went to my family doctor to see if she would be incline to try something out of the norm. To my surprise she had been reading up to and was on the exact same page as I was! I am hopeful again for the first time in 3 years but apprehensive at the same time as I know from experience it will get MUCH worse before it gets better if the new meds work. Unfortunately, if it doesn't get worse then I know the meds are not working. I only hope I can handle this. I know I am not as physically strong as I was the last time I went through treatment and it nearly did me in then. Luckily, I have a wonderful friend who will look out for The Poo if this should get bad so that is a great relief for me. My hope is to get through the worst of this and be back to my old self before Papi has his surgery. Once he has the surgery done he will be out of the mix for at least 3 months. He will not be able to do anything at all. Normally he helps me with the yard work and the critters and Plays with The Poo a great deal. Not only will he not be able to do those things, there will not be much he can even do for himself for a while. I do not want him to have any reason to attempt to put this surgery off again. Pray for strength for us. On a lighter note, I have many more reasons to be positive. Sissy AKA College Girl has been writing some wonderful blogs lately and I am so happy to see her writing again. She is truly happiest when she is writing and I love to see the joy in her shining through. Munchie was accepted to the college she applied for and will be starting pre med! Her prom is next weekend and graduation a month after. The Poo will be starting kindergarten in the fall and is very excited about it. She has been practicing her letters so she will be ready! I am so proud of all my girlies! They are such a source of joy for me. I am truly blessed to have such a great family and wonderful friends. I think I am even more blessed that I realize that even though we have had a run of bad luck and are still having major woes, that we are so blessed and can take joy in what we have instead of dwelling on what we don't.