Did you know this is National Princess week? I just found out yesterday. Having a princess myself I do not know how I missed it! In an attempt to make up for the first part of the week we missed Princess Poo and I decided to do fun princess things. It just so happened she even got an invitation to a royal wedding! Don't believe me? Well, here it is for you to see for yourself.
Oh she is so excited she can hardly wait. One of her favorite shows is having a wedding and she was invited personally! Now being royalty herself she was given a wedding gift as well. She was allowed to go watch the first part of the two part wedding if she wanted to. She really did want to but decided to wait until tomorrow so she wouldn't have to wonder all night how it ended. She just didn't think she could handle the suspense. She has her best dress and tiara all ready to put on right before the wedding starts! What she did not get was the My Little Pony Magic in Friends compact! I hear they are giving away 1 to each of the first five people to comment over at Crazed Mind! Better hurry!!! There is also a downloadable party pack that we are sharing. We have the invitations, coloring pages, printable wedding hats and stickers. You know that the Princess is ever so busy getting ready for the wedding. I am not sure we will be able to get everything fit in today. I hear there is to be a tea party this afternoon!

All and all not a bad princess day. I am sure we will come up with more to do before Monday!
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