The Poo and I have been having lots and lots of fun these days. The weather has been nice
and sunny but not too hot so we have really been pushing to get our outside time. She loves to be outdoors even more than I do, and thats near impossible. We don't always have a reason to go outside, so sometimes we just have to make up one. One of our favorite reasons to come up with is kite flying. We both enjoy it very much and you can include as many or as few people as you like.

We think the more the merrier but sometimes it is just the two of us. This last week we were able to get Munchie, Papi and Lynette to join us in our kite flying follies. This week we have purchased extra kites to share with Lynette's grandbabes. The Poo is really looking forward to getting to go fly kites with them and spend time outdoors with friends. She always enjoys when they come for a visit and doesn't even mind sharing her toys with them. It was her idea to go buy them each a kite, and I thought it was very sweet and thoughtful of her. I am a really proud Momma. She is turning out to be a great young lady.
Anyway, I hope to have more kite flying photos to share with you later but these are from last week. She handles the kite very well and sure does enjoy it! I think kites are fun for the child in everyone! She has even convinced Sissy (aka College Girl)to go flying with us soon. I will be sure to get plenty of pictures of that!

oh you make me want to take the kids outside and fly kites. We haven't done that for so long!
I love being outside with my children too. It's still a little cold on the West Coast but spring is around the corner!
Thanks so much for stopping by my site on my SITS day!
It was fun and maybe we can go Friday? Let me know how that works for y'all.
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