This weekend my niece Munchie and I were getting ready to take her graduation photos. She has made her invitation style and wants to add photos on the inside to show how she has grown through the years. She has picked her young and middle photos and has asked that soon we go take some "now" photos for her to add to the invitations.
I am so proud of her and want to help her in any way I can, so this weekend we played with styles of eye makeup to see what she wanted to do. We were lucky enough to be able to borrow a great book from our friend Lynette @ Crazed Mind. Style Eyes by Taylor Chang-Babaian not only has beautiful photos of perfect eye makeup but a breakdown of how you can gets these looks for yourself. With the step by step instructions it was truly easy to accomplish model perfect makeup on Munchie. 

This book was so much fun and it even has a beauty school in the front of it to tell you how to properly care for your skin and eyes, how to fix fine lines and dark circles, even how to prevent eye infections. There is a lot of wonderful info on different types of concealers, how to shape your brows even how the way you put your eyeliner on can change the shape of your eyes.
We had so much fun trying some of the different looks. We went for some of the more dramatic looks because they aren't something you could wear everyday where we live. What fun!
We had so much fun trying some of the different looks. We went for some of the more dramatic looks because they aren't something you could wear everyday where we live. What fun!
Munchie picked out her look for the pictures and it was great because none of the looks took very long to do. If you just want to have some fun with your makeup or you have a daughter coming into the makeup age I would highly recommend this book. With all of the information on care and cleanup of the eye area and safety tips to prevent infections as well as all the different step by step instructions for eye looks this would be a great teaching aide. Just so you know, I did not receive any reward for this review. Lynette received a copy of the book and darn the luck I have to give it back. The opinions are my own.

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